How do I take care of my animals?
As your farm grows, you’ll want to begin raising animals there. You can raise a Dog, a Horse,Chickens, Cows, Fish, and Sheep on your farm. Although raising all types of livestock is pretty similar, there are some differences. Read on to learn how to take care of your animals and how to get the best results from them.
You begin the game with a Puppy. Although it won’t earn you any extra money, it can help you out on the farm after it grows. It takes about three months for your Puppy to mature to a Dog.

It’s important to spend time with
your Dog every day to improve
your relationship with it. Pick it up
daily (stand next to it and press U).
These hugs help increase your Dog’s
affection toward you. Because you
don’t need to feed your Dog, having
one costs you nothing more than a
bit of time.
During spring of the first year, you can get a Pony for free when you visit Yodel Farm for the first time. Raising a Horse earns you no extra money, but will allow you to participate in the spring Horse Race once your Horse matures.
To care for your Horse, you need only a Brush, which you can purchase at the Blacksmith’s Shop for 800 Gold. Talk to your Horse every day and brush it to increase its affection toward you. You needn’t feed your Horse at any time.

Aside from your Dog and your Horse, Chickens are the easiest and least expensive animals to keep on your farm. You can purchase Chickens for 1,500 Gold each at the Poultry Farm. This may seem like a lot of money at first, but it’s really very affordable. You should be able to purchase
a Chicken within the first season.
Chickens are a great source of income, and they’re relatively low-maintenance compared to other livestock. Begin raising Chickens right away so you have a constant source of income and Eggs for presents and recipes.
Cows are the most expensive animals you can
keep, but they’re a great source of income.
Happy, healthy, adult Cows produce Milk every
day that you can sell, give as gifts, use in recipes,
or turn into Cheese with a Cheese Maker.
It takes time to save up the money you need to buy a Cow. You can purchase them at Yodel Farm for 6,000 Gold a head—quite a bit of cash for a novice farmer to come up with. You should be able to purchase your first Cow in the summer or fall of the first year. After you buy a Cow, it will automatically appear in your
Barn. Begin taking care of it right away.
At first, your Barn can hold a combination of 10 Cows and Sheep. The local carpenter, Gotz, can expand the Barn to hold 20 animals; this isn’t cheap, but it’s worthwhile.The larger Barn allows you to breed more Cows, which you can sell back to Yodel Farm for a healthy sum.
Sheep should be your third livestock investment. You can sell the Wool for a tidy profit, or breed the Sheep and sell them back to Yodel Farm. Purchase Sheep from Yodel Farm for 4,000 Gold. Any Sheep you purchase automatically appear in your Barn. You must begin caring for your new animals the day they arrive.
Caring for your Sheep involves talking to them and brushing them every day. Shear the Sheep using Clippers you can purchase at the Blacksmith’s Shop for 1,800 Gold. The amount
of Wool you get—Small, Medium, or Large—
depends on the Sheep’s mood and affection
level. You can get the Grand amount of
Wool only from a Sheep that wins the
fall Sheep Festival. Once sheared, a
Sheep’s Wool regrows to its full length
in seven days.
How do I catch Fish?
Collect and breed Fish in your farm’s Fish Pond.You’ll need a Fishing Rod you can get in the spring from Greg the Fisherman if you visit the dock between 6 and 9 a.m.
Catching Fish requires a lot of patience. Stand facing a body of water with the Fishing Rod equipped. Press and hold - to cast the line.Continue holding - until you see the bobber snap under water or your character strain against a tug on the line. Quickly release - ; if you’re lucky, you’ll catch a Fish (or a useful object). If you’re unlucky, you’ll end up with an empty hook or some worthless